Christmas Trees
A Beautiful christmas tree for everyone
G.I Rogers & Son Christmas Trees are one of UK’s biggest suppliers of Christmas trees. We can offer you trees of up to 35ft.
All of our trees are freshly cut to ensure the highest quality for the entire festive season. Moreover, we deliver them right to your door for ultimate convenience. We also supply large real Christmas Trees for shopping centres, business reception areas, schools, churches, town centres and hotels in areas such as Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead and Aylesbury.
Our christmas trees

Nordmann Fir
The Nordmann Fir is by far the most popular Christmas tree in the UK. These Christmas trees are bushy and retain their needles better, compared to other types of trees.
If cared for properly a Nordmann Fir should last up to four weeks – which is great news for people who like to put up their Christmas tree early.

Norway spruce
This is the traditional Christmas tree, it has a beautiful scent, lovely shape if kept well. and cut fresh and looked after will last right through the Christmas period.
These are particularly good if you haven’t got much space in your home or if you want to plant your Christmas tree

Why choose us for christmas trees?

Low Prices
We strive to keep prices low every year. Feel free to get in touch with our team anytime to get more information about our prices and services.

For every Christmas tree which is bought from our farm another tree is replanted in its place. This allows us to sustain our farm for years to come.

All our trees are prime quality, selected for health, shape and fullness. All of the trees will sell to you are freshly cut within days of your purchase, and thus will easily last well into the new year.

Customer Service
Say hello to our friendly staff & enjoy a wonderful festive experience for all the family. Our staff will always go the extra mile, You don’t have to worry about wrapping the tree and putting it in the car.